Keine Todesstrafe gegen iranischen Journalisten!
DJV-Bundesvorsitzender Michael Konken hat in einem Schreiben vom 6. Februar an den iranischen Justizminister Mahmoud Hashemi Sharoudi die Aufhebung der Todesstrafe gegen den iranischen Journalisten Adnan Hassanpour und seine sofortige Freilassung gefordert. Das iranische Rechtswesen dürfe nicht die international anerkannte Meinungsfreiheit missbrauchen, heißt es in dem Schreiben. „Ich appelliere an den iranischen Justizminister, den Kollegen Hassanpour zu begnadigen.“ Adnan Hassanpour war wegen Spionage, Verschwörung und separatistischer Propaganda im letzten Jahr zum Tode verurteilt worden. Der Oberste Gerichtshof von Teheran hatte das Urteil vor kurzem bestätigt. Adnan Hassanpour wurde wahrscheinlich nur aufgrund seiner Veröffentlichungen über kurdische Belange und wegen seiner Beiträge in internationalen Medien, unter anderem Voice of America, verurteilt. Kritische Berichterstattung ist kein Verbrechen, sondern Aufgabe und Beruf der Journalistinnen und Journalisten in aller Welt. Berichterstattung darf in keinem Land der Welt zur Verfolgung des Berichterstatters führen.
Und hier der Originaltext des Schreibens vom 6. Februar 2008 an den iranischen Justizminister:
Your Excellency,
I am writing you on behalf of Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (DJV) over concern for journalist Adnan Hassanpour, who has been sentenced to death after he was convicted of “subversive activities against national security, “espionage” and “separatist propaganda.”
The DJV believes that Mr. Hassanpour was targeted because of his writing on Kurdish issues for the weekly Asou, which was banned by the ministry of culture and Islamic orientation in August 2005, and his contributions to foreign media, including Voice of America and Radio Farda.
While his conviction was not linked to his writings we fear that it was motivated by his outspoken reporting. We have no information that Mr. Hassanpour was engaged in illegal activity.
We urge you to overturn his death sentence, which was confirmed by the Tehran Supreme Court in November, and show that the Iranian judicial system is not being used to stifle freedom of expression. We ask you to release him immediately and clear him of these unfair charges.
Kind regards,
Michael Konken
Und hier der Originaltext des Schreibens vom 6. Februar 2008 an den iranischen Justizminister:
Your Excellency,
I am writing you on behalf of Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (DJV) over concern for journalist Adnan Hassanpour, who has been sentenced to death after he was convicted of “subversive activities against national security, “espionage” and “separatist propaganda.”
The DJV believes that Mr. Hassanpour was targeted because of his writing on Kurdish issues for the weekly Asou, which was banned by the ministry of culture and Islamic orientation in August 2005, and his contributions to foreign media, including Voice of America and Radio Farda.
While his conviction was not linked to his writings we fear that it was motivated by his outspoken reporting. We have no information that Mr. Hassanpour was engaged in illegal activity.
We urge you to overturn his death sentence, which was confirmed by the Tehran Supreme Court in November, and show that the Iranian judicial system is not being used to stifle freedom of expression. We ask you to release him immediately and clear him of these unfair charges.
Kind regards,
Michael Konken
zoerner - 8. Feb, 11:08